Beef Fat
Start with about 7lbs Independence Ark frozen beef fat.
Cube the pieces into 3 inch cubes and arrange in your slow cooker.

Cook on Low for 18-24 hrs. Half way through cooking you will want to mush the fat with a potato smasher and break up the solid chucks to help the fat liquify.
After 18-24hrs drain the large pieces with a large mech sieve into a large bowl. You will extract about 60-70% of the fat. Discard the biproduct by putting in your compost pile and let your dog and chickens fight over it, like I do :)

The final step is to pour the fat through a fine mesh sieve for your final product, a beautiful golden cream tallow.
Keep in the fridge for long keeping.
Use for Tallow Soap, Cooking, and Lotion.
******Pro Tip *****
Try whipping with emersion blender with a splash of olive oil, and honey for a decadent face lotion.
